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Old 02-17-2020, 07:54 PM   #21
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Re: AM I wrong in being disappointed?

Originally Posted by robs71 View Post
I really feel for you in this situation and have been following your posts.Agree a lot of members feel you should ask more and like you stated no one has stepped up even for the 20k...As far as your honesty about condition you are doing the right thing.Personally I hope someone who does there own fab work will see the good in your truck and purchase it...We all have taken a hit but you dropped a lot of money and have every right to feel the way you do...yes buyer beware,yes a 3rd party...but buying from a member who will not work with you is a punch in the gut period..Yes it is one of the nicer tubs out there but it is not as descibed.I would take a step back in the next few days and work on a plan.You have it for sale for a price you feel comfortable with.....The following is my 2 cents)If it does not sell quickly I would have the truck tuned up,pick up some used belts so you can have it inspected...this wont kill the budget and since you own it at least you can take it out for a drive while you contemplate your next step and maybe by then someone will take it off your hands or you might start to like it...........I wish you were closer to Pa I would buy the rims that came on it..anyway I hope this has a positive ending for you...I am pulling for you!!! .Rob
I appreciate it and many have said they are surprised how well I am handling it. I have other bigger problems, this was going to be my escape oh well!

Unless someone steps up to buy it the Blazer will sit until my fabricator has a chance to stop by and evaluate in person. I can't even do the spark plugs and tune up let alone install the belts. I have a good friend who I pay $20-25 an hour cash for his labor and I tell him what to do, my hands so to speak. I feel bad asking as I have asked a lot of him over the last 3 years. If I want to drive it I must get a MA inspection, it will not pass.

What many don't know is there were quite a few texts and pictures between the seller and I. Asking about what is there, rust, what works and what doesn't etc. I talked to him on the phone a few times. I prefer texts as it is written proof of what was said. When I called the seller on the condition he says "I never said it was rust free". That is right here on this very forum. I am not going to posts all of the texts we sent.

If it sells it sells. If not I will try to get it fixed. Might not do the paint but just the rust repairs. Probably wont do anything interior wise so I can afford the repairs.
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