I'm diving into some heritage, very slowly, I know there's a lot. Just a first name out of my "mother's" cook book led to a bunch of corrections/results on the web. Anyway, my great X3 grandparents docked in New York in 1891. Strikes me odd they migrated in their 70s, they didn't live past 1896. Looks like Trump's grandfather came over on the same boat.
After more research looks like my mother was right, we're related to Mary Ann Evans, aka George Elliot. Her father (Robert) and my great grandfather x5 were brothers of 14 siblings Their father was name George, same for my 5x great grandfather, so it appears she took on her grandfather or uncle's name to write books.
Heck man, how many people can name "George Elliot's" grand-parents

I can go well beyond that, so far I've traced to the year 595, which is a guy named Chrodobertus I. Internet is a wonderful thing once you cut through the BS.
Update: Make that to the year 300, it's probably deeper, there are just too many branches. If any of you take interest in your heritage, some info. to start
you'll be in for a surprise. I linked two records and the result was I was slammed. It gets real interesting, lots of "Sir", "Lady", Duchess, Princess, yadda yadda, no doubt some bums too. It's amazing how well the old country kept track of people. One of my greatx? grandmother's came from a long line of rulers, 1000s of years. The clue was near everyone down her line from the year 1046 past had a picture, DOB & DOD.