Originally Posted by rsavage
Take the rear torque box cover off and use long arms to reach in to either drop bolts with washers in the holes you drilled or vice versa. The Bully steps have one hole drilled for a bolt and another for a smaller self tapping metal screw for each mount. I redrilled for bolts and used large washers inside the torque boxed to spread the load. I like Hemi 43’s fabricated steps-pretty heavy duty. I also like the GM accessory type but the Bully sufficed for me. If my wife didn’t need the step to get in, I wouldn’t have any.
Originally Posted by CamTra View Post
How hard is it to access the top of that rocker box?
Like rsavage suggested, I unbolted the rear torque box cover for access. This might be difficult if yours are original though.
The one that dies with the most tools, wins !
Thanks guys. I appreciate the info!!