Thread: 47-55.1 Chassis table
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Old 03-04-2020, 03:25 PM   #12
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Re: Chassis table

Originally Posted by mick53 View Post
Sorry I didn't mention that some classes of racing (probably mine) require original frame rails, radiator in original position, working doors. Engine may only be moved rearward for fitment only, about 8" for me and widening the fenders only for tire fitment. I will be staying under 11.5" wide. I'm running a blown 292. Expected HP 550 on pump gas and 750 on race fuel. I have been told that at 800 the crankshaft will leave the building without dowelling the mains. I know of 3 guys running 1000 HP out of their 292's. I already own the rotisserie. I'm keeping my leaf springs so it just seems simpler to use the frame rails because of all the mounting. I like Mr 48's idea of setting the boxing back a little for lines and wiring. There is a youtub video out there of a guy in a 48 chevy pickup running an 8.44 sec with leaf springs and 1000 HP
sounds like one heck of a motor, looking forward to seeing it and the build process
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