Thread: 47-55.1 AD Electric Fan Choices
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Old 03-09-2020, 08:18 PM   #6
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Re: AD Electric Fan Choices

Another vote for the SPAL - it really moves the air.

My only complaint is the noise.

I don't have any upholstery, insulation or side windows and I can see pavement through several holes in the floorboards. If it still bothers me once the interior is finished, I'll look for a PWM controller to slow the SPAL down when full flow isn't needed.

Mine's on a fiberglass shroud, but an aluminum one made on a box brake would work just as well -

Basically just an old T-shirt stretched over some aluminum forms, resin applied to stiffen up the cotton T-shirt then a couple layers of kitty hair to stiffen it up. Pulls the SPAL fan about 1.5" from the face of the radiator. Some 'L' bracket hold the shroud to the radiator using the radiator mounting bolts.

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