Thread: 47-55.1 Caliper brackets
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Old 03-10-2020, 11:08 AM   #3
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Re: Caliper brackets

Originally Posted by mr48chev View Post
One question before you throw more money at it. Will that converted Ford cross leaf axle pass tech when you are done?

Most likely you are going to have to make some patterns and have someone waterjet you a new pair of caliper brackets that fit.

You might do a search for Wildwood caliper brackets for 40 Ford round back spindles but you may not find anything that will work.
Super Bell assures me that it will pass tech, we'll see. They made it from a higher strength tubing. The tech guys have a gizmo that tells them tube thickness. I told them it would probably leave the ground. In the end I just want to have fun. I plan on driving the wheels off it. Wilwood is not real big on telling you what to buy to alter or make brackets. I was able to take one of the Wilwood guys aside at the PRI show and get some off the record info. It's the world we live in. Safety is on the top of my list. What I have should get me mocked up and I'll go from there. My build seems to be two steps forward one step back.
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