Go onto the web and purchase some 4" buffs for a die grinder or drill with a mandrel mounted. These buffs look like a small buffing wheel and works excellent for removing discolored or oxydized metal. Buff lightly using a black buffing compound first then the green compound and finish with a white compound to set the polished color. Also go to a supplier such as Wizards polishes or any other and buy a bottle of metal protectant. I have used a couple brands over the years and I drive my truck in snowy weather without major impact on the rims. Right now I am using the Wizards and it works great, I treat my rims about once every six months. After I cleaned my rims, which took 4 hours for all 4 when I bought them used, I keep them clean with Mothers Mag and aluminum polish followed by Mothers Billet polish to give them a mirror finish. This is great stuff.