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Old 06-20-2004, 12:35 AM   #2
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Oakdale, CA
Posts: 101
I haven't done it yet, but the concensus seems to be any cross member from 70s to early 80s will almost bolt in. You usually have to drill a few extra holes to match the later cross member. I've found the stock brakes (power) to be adequate. I just had to use my brakes big time recently. I trucking up a hill and my 292 did real well, I was holding about 50 mph. When I crested the hill there was a car stopped 500=700 feet down the hill. I got on the brakes hard just as hard as I could. They didn't lock up thank God. I was looking a to drive it off the road, but there were none road was cut into the hill. The brakes stopped the 63 C20 with 10' cab over camper with maybe 75 feet to spare. Take care of thoe brakes.

68 C20 327 daily driver
63 C20 292 Camper truck
65 C10 ? Custom Cab AC,PB,PS,$flasher
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