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Old 03-13-2020, 06:47 PM   #1
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My engine bay main wires from battery

I thought I would share how I did the main wiring in my engine bay. I had a 2008 Silverado donor to pull from and got both battery cables, starter alternator wires and mega fuse with cover. The nice thing was I was able to use the cables in stock length and use the nice factory crimped ends. I mounted the mega fuse on the inner fender under the battery tray. The alternator wire was just the right length. The battery ground cable has a second long wire that reached all the way to the firewall. I ran two wires from the mega fuse under the rad to the drivers side to feed the LS harness and the trucks fuse box. The group 47 battery has sunken areas around the posts and fits the cables like the stock Silverado.
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Last edited by bigmoe; 03-13-2020 at 07:02 PM.
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