Thread: Billet wheels?
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Old 06-20-2004, 03:57 PM   #10
california fill
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Sunny So-Cal
Posts: 694
In my opinion, hand polishing is out of the question! I dont know how detailed the shape of your wheels is, but home depot, harbor freight, etc carry polishing wheels that will hook to a cordless drill. I prefer using a cordless drill (my 18v dewalt 3-speed drill works perfect) but any sort of power tool would work I guess.

You will have to experiment with different sizes and shapes of polishing wheels, but I DONT recommend the kind that are actually shaped like a grinder wheel.. the ones that are a big ball/sphere work pretty good and the ones that are shaped sort of like a rose that is starting to bloom work well too. (does that make sense?)

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