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Old 03-17-2020, 09:30 AM   #15
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Re: Real wood interior custom accents

Some progress on the wood interior. It's coming along nicely. I ended up cutting the dash behind the gage cluster and where the radio delete gage panel will go. The gage cluster was getting such that there was less and less wood left and hoggin out the back side to accomodate the metal raised sections would have made even it had to go. This required some fancy footwork on the backside of the cluster for the light and wiper swicth. A little freehand dremel work was needed after the holes were drilled and counterusnk to create releifs for the light switch bracket clearance and for the wiper tangs to live in.

I used weld nuts for the door panels by cutting and drilling the wood to fit then match drilling the metal panels for the weld nuts. I actually used the wood panels to postion the weld nuts during the spot welding process. The photo below shows the backside of the metal panels where the wednuts where welded on. I'll have to use an earlier model armrest becuase the 72 style is longer and would hang over the wood towards the back. I think it will look better anyhow.

Some progress pics...
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He who is without oil shall throw the first rod. Compressions 8.7:1

1972 C10
1976 C10 (parts truck)
1985 K20
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