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Old 03-17-2020, 05:35 PM   #1
LS short box
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Join Date: Jun 2015
Location: Carlos MN
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4L60E trans dip stick

So as I was putting the final touches on my LS/4L60E swap I struggled with my options for a trans dip stick. Lokar makes two types, one short and one long. The short one attaches to a bell housing bolt. The long one attaches to the firewall with sheet metal screws. To me the short one is difficult to reach behind the head. The long one is too long and I don't want to use sheet metal screws to attach. Plus the Lokar dip sticks are $80-$100.
So here's what I did. I bought a TCI 4L60E dip stick ($28) which does stick up above the head quite a ways. So I measured the amount the dip stick sticks out of the bottom of the TCI tube which is 1 1/8". Then I cut the top side tube so the top of the dip stick is even with the top of the head. Then I cut the dip stick to go back to the original 1 1/8" length sticking out of the bottom tube. Could be done with a stock tube if you want to go junk yard shopping.
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