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Old 03-22-2020, 12:50 PM   #8
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Re: Resistive coil wire.

Seanext, if you know what nichrome wire is, then you should also know that it can not be soldered. You can crimp it into a connector and pour a foot of melted solder into it, but all you end up with is a glump of solder and melted rosin. No actual solder connection.

The 20W/OR/PPL cloth covered resistance (ballast) wire connects to the bulkhead connector. The other side of the bulkhead connector, connects to a Pink 12P copper wire that goes to the ignition switch. This 12P wire is not a resistance wire.

There is a second resistance wire in the dash harness. This 14BRN/W resistance wire segment is part of the Alternator, Exciter circuit. It is not part of the ignition system.

You will not find nichrome resistance wire at an auto supply store. The most common use of this wire is in toasters, hair dryers, small heaters and hot wire foam cutters.
The likely hood that you could ever find insulated, stranded, nichrome wire is very low.
'67 GMC 2500, 292, 4spd, AC
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