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Old 03-24-2020, 09:37 PM   #507
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Re: Post Pics of your Static Drops!!

I would not recommend dropping your truck much more than 2-3 inches by loosening the torsion bars. So you can probably get the front down around 5 inches safely with torsion bars and drop spindles. Some people might disagree with that. As far as the rear goes it is harder to do a c notch on a 60-62 because of the x frame. They don’t sell kits for it like they do for a 63-66. With that being said I would start out using 2 inches drop blocks and coils to figure out the rest. When I dropped mine in the rear I could not drop it 6 inches without the axle hitting the frame going over bumps but I have heard if people getting away with 6 inches but that is without a camper. From what I have read in order to level the truck out it needs to be dropped 2 more inches in the rear than in the front but that will be different with a camper. Maybe air bags in the rear to give you proper adjustability. If you are pulling a camper you probably are going to want disks in the front anyway. I will leave it to you to look through this thread to find photos of 60-62’s
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