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Old 03-25-2020, 03:43 PM   #9
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Re: Better power window and door lock switches?

Originally Posted by cadillac_al View Post
Don't Chevy trucks use the same power window switches as Cadillac? Of all the Chevy trucks I have owned, none have had power windows. The Cadillac switches are pretty heavy duty and I have never had to replace one in all my 70's Caddys. I would be surprised if GM used something different in the trucks but they look the same to me in pics.
I've taken them apart a few times in an effort to understand what keeps going wrong. I've noticed several things:

1. The bendy parts inside, bend too far. Now proper contact is no longer made. Tried of taking them apart to bend them back.

2. The copper in there turns green, and proper contact is no longer made.

3. The chrome flakes off. Looks pretty terrible when I've got the rest of the truck looking pretty good, for the most part.

4. This could be related to number one, but it may not be. The part you press, the switch lever itself, somehow manages to get pressed too far into the rest of the switch. It's not supposed to go in there at all, they're just up or down switches. But through normal use, and the way that the switch is shaped, the tendency is for people to slightly press them inwards when they use them. Not intentionally of course, it seems to just happen and I've noticed it over time as I observed these problems in an attempt to fix them. This finally wears them out inside, as it was not meant to be pushed in repeatedly. And then, proper contact is no longer made. Switch flakes out and quits working half the time.
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