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Old 03-25-2020, 08:11 PM   #2
The Older Generation

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Re: 1972 K10 original wheels

Originally Posted by 69Tom View Post
OK, so I'm doing some research for my 72 K10 1/2 ton rebuild. I'd like to keep this as factory stock as I can. Upon reviewing the brochure, it appears there are 3 different wheels one could have gotten when ordering the truck, all 6-lug:
  • 15" x 6"
  • 15 x 5 (no idea how this was possible with disc brakes); and
  • 16.5 x 8.25

Is this correct? I'm sure someone with a data book has better info than the brochure.

Were the 16" split wheels?

Can someone post pics of the correct 16.5 wheels? Is there a part number for these?

At the end of the day, I may just order some 15 x 8.25 wheels that are out there that look dead stock, but I'd like to know what I'm doing before doing so. My searches have not given me my answers, and a lot of the old pics thanks to photosuckit are no longer visible.

Thanks in advance!

The easy way on this one would be to type "16.5 x 8.25 wheels" into the Google search box above, click on the circle in front of "" and click on the Google button. Lots of pictures on here.

There were 16.5 split rims but they weren't 8.25 wide. The 8.25's were on the Custom Camper trucks. My '68 Custom Camper came with them. They are not listed on the SPID but the 16.5 x 8.25 spare is.


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