Thread: contact help
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Old 06-21-2004, 12:34 PM   #1
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contact help

With the Board Meet only a few weeks away, and people traveling from all over, Shawna and I had talked about setting up an informal contact list. I have the names and numbers of a few members who agreed to do this. What I am doing is just compiling a list of names an numbers of members willing to help out if anyone has a problem while traveling to or from the show. This list will not be posted etc for the entire world to prank call you. I will be posting my cell number in the board meet area, if someone has a problem they can call me and we can get them in touch with a member close by, who is willing to help. If anyone is interested in helping us out with this please PM me your info and I will add it to the contact list. We have members traveling from east coast, west coast, Texas,Canada and all areas between.. so any locations will help.
~ thanks Liz
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