Re: Paint job for a 59 GMC
Yes. Green does have yellow in it. My personal preference was orange, then green, but settled on blue. I also skipped the white top at the time since I was strapped for cash. I didn't budget enough cash for the new paint costs. My 72 is my daily driver and was a work truck rebuild done in 30 days so no waiting on cash flow. When I painted my 60 back around 1995 I got a gallon of blue and a gallon of black gloss for $100 at Napa, including reducer and hardener. Times sure have changed.
If you have space I would suggest trying painting it yourself. Painting isnt all that bad for a driver quality paint job. Heck I still have people trying to buy mine almost every time that I go to the gas station. The biggest thing to paint is prep and paint gun adjustment. Spray light coats and be prepared to sand a run. It's not rocket science. There is a true artistry to a show car paint job, metal flake, pin stripping, and ghost effects. Straight paint is pretty straight forward.