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Old 04-02-2020, 07:50 AM   #11
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Re: Who Sells This Under Dash Valence?

A CNC brake could create the curved pieces that span the dash using a series of small bends (a sheet metal shop beind our garage makes very nice rocker panels from pattern for short $$ using this method).

The green truck panel appears to have a cutout above the steering column while the orange truck appears to have a single piece spanning the cab. The detail above the column in the orange truck, the "hooded" appearance of the valance where the column passes through, would require imo a skilled fabricator and a fair investment of time. The green truck cutout has a steering column bracket bolted to and / or through the valence while the orange truck has a bracket in front of the valance (strange, after working so hard to put the hooded clearance notch into the valance).

The difference in the two panels suggests to me that at least one is not a pre-produced item.

This is a car version:

Here is a thread where tri-five Chevy car owners are discussing making their own:
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