Re: New Engine Sitting
I just installed a 350 that had been on the stand and in a plastic bag for more than five years, no problems. Pull the plugs and fog each cylinder and reinstall the plugs. If the motor is kept inside a garage just plug all the openings, exhaust, intake, valve cover, water ports, etc. and then bag the motor in plastic. The better you seal it the less chance for moisture, mice, bugs and dust to find their way inside the motor...
Michael of the clan Hill,
"Two Seventy Two's"
71 1-ton Dually 350 4-Speed
71 C/50 Grain Truck, 350 Split-Axle 4-Speed
02 3/4 ton Express
14 Indian Chief Vintage
1952 Ford 8N, "Only Ford Allowed On The Property" 
"Be American, Buy American"