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Old 04-04-2020, 08:21 AM   #9
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Re: New Engine Sitting

Originally Posted by '68OrangeSunshine View Post
Nice set up. I had the 4 Bbl Holley 8007, 390 CFM, on my 292 L6. My carb was 90* offset so the primaries opened over the plenums for both 1-2-3 and 4-5-6.
With your 2 Bbl configuration, you may be favoring 4-5-6, when you open the throttle. I had to saw off the lower part of the Holley throttle lever -- it's a kickdown for a Ford automatic, anyway, and I have a Chevy w/ SM465 -- that clears the intake. I solved linkage issues by finally going to a cable throttle from the accelerator pedal [GM '72-type] to an aftermarket cable to the carb.
I got 25 years out of the Holley. Then, after a rebuild of a 292, the carb wouldn't settle down. I replaced it with a 500 CFM Edelbrock 1404. Runs great now.
Some good advice about leaving the black moly assembly lube in place. I would put old spark plugs in the holes to keep them closed off and maybe blue 3M masking tape on the valve cover holes to keep dust and critters out. A ~1'' cork stopper would seal up the distributor hole.
Good luck on your build.
I have been concerned with the carb mounting. It does seem that the general consensus is to turn them sideways so the blades open inline with the engine. I will most likely do the same. Thanks for the tip
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