Slow days at work thought I’d post few pics of the latest project on my c10. Was recently on a holiday in mexico then had to quarantine for 2 weeks so got some quality shop time in at home .
Made my own hot side manifold used 2.5” stainless and 1.5” . Was a lot of fitting and welding but was nice to locate the turbo right where I wanted it and retain battery in stock location
I tried to stay with a 4” down pipe but couldn’t get it to fit down by frame and beside my cross over pipe so reduced it to 3”
- Used 2.250” for my cross over
- Went with a vs racing next gen 78/75 turbo
- 44 mm eBay waistegate and 50mm bov. These are supposed to be decent quality knock offs
- I originally bought a bigger intercooler but didn’t want to hack my rad support up totally so I got a smaller width intercooler and didn’t have to notch the rad support as much this one is 26”x12”x3” I believe
- used a stock truck manifold on drivers side with v bands
- got everything ceramic coated
Pretty much have it all finished up except bigger injectors, oil catch can and a boost/wideband gauge.