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Old 04-13-2020, 09:41 PM   #1
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TH350 to 700R Swap?

I've a 1970 C20 with a stock 350cc and TH350 Transmission.
My Transmission recently went out and I'm looking for options vs. rebuilding.
Would this 700r4 be able to replace my TH350?
I see this one has a transfer case and I am asking if I could remove this and bolt up my TH350 Tail Housing in its place.
Also, would that deeper pan fit under my truck? The Cross Member?
I'm looking for the chance to skip rebuilding my TH350 and move into the 4 Speed.
Am I completely off the reservation or have I maybe found what I need within 20 min drive? Please forgive me if I'm foolish as this is the least understood part of the drive train in my mind.
Please refer to photos from my friend, the local owner.
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