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Old 06-22-2004, 07:39 PM   #1
Harold Shepard
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Join Date: May 2004
Location: Canton North Carolina
Posts: 466
'73 -76??? Tissue Holder

I am posting this to see if there is any interest in an original GM tissue holder for '73 up to '76 (I think about the '76 part). This was purchased as a new old stock part with the hopes that it would be more like '67-72 type, it is not . It is complete, holder and spring clip that attaches to the floor as well as GM install instructions. I would really like to trade for tissue holder for 67-72 but may consider trades for other dealer accessories? Also have set of GM bumper guards for same general year model truck. These have never been installed and do not have rubber bumper on the face, is in original boxes.
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