Originally Posted by special-K
I'm the same way. I have nothing against 'effort'. Keeping that up keeps everything running smooth. I have neighbors of 30+ years. I'm built the way I was when I moved here and they have doubled in size. They drive to the mailbox, take the trash down, kids to bus, even to the sister's place behind me, which is next to them. Shorter to walk than drive, but there's a …. HILL!!! 
Guy that moved in next door a couple years ago is about 20 years younger than me. He is amazed how I can hop on and off a horse. He is some overweight and rides a 4 wheeler on his place instead of walking. I try to take a 2-3 mile hike every day depending on the weather and ground conditions. I
am a bit more careful these days because I don't want to wreck a knee slipping in the ice or mud. Also the aforementioned walk to the mailbox and often one or more round trips to the barn which is about 900' each way by the trail. And then there is checking and repairing the fence lines on foot sometime.
Not to mention cutting and splitting all our firewood.
I still probably sit around way too much especially in the winter.