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Old 06-23-2004, 12:28 AM   #9
71 Blazer CST man
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Nor Cal, Sonoma
Posts: 324
A pal at school has a 73+(that era) chev.pickup, SWB, a REAL farm beater. It's fulltime posi in the rear, and the only time he ever sh!t the bed was on his forth or fifth fishtail in the school parking lot, full of cars, in the rain. He swung it out a bit to wide and instead of taking out and AC unit, smashed the cage surrounding it(for just that reason) oh and the right side of his bed....yep, pretty cool. Shoulda seen the look on his face, white as a ghost - Hahahaha. Besides that though he never had any problems, and at that point he was asking for it. So, the point being, the only time he ever messed up with the settup he was runnin was when he started gettin a bit to carried away with fishtails infront 1/2 the highschool. I think it's a little mad what some people say about not driving in the rain, while you'll eat it a heck of alot quicker ,they make it sound impossible. If you take it easy - it's do-able to say the least. Its not like every one who ever had a posi vehichle ,muscle cars, trucks, etc, left it in the garage any time it rained/snowed?!?!?!?
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