I believe the original Snap On wrenches with the snapon/off adapters(sockets) were called socket wrenches, and they did not ratchet. They then came out with ratcheting socket wrenches, or ratches. I suppose they could be called torque ratchets, or torque socket wrenches, or even ratchetingtorquesocketwrenches, but that last one is a little long. I think I'll stick with torque wrenches. think I have that same 2000 pound torque wrench and cheaters. I have only used to 1500 pounds though. Now I have a torque multiplier. It is essentialy a 6:1 reduction gear transmission, with of course a socket head adaptor

It also ratchets. Would that be a ratchetingreductiongeartorquemultiplyingtorquesocketwrench?????