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Old 06-23-2004, 08:31 PM   #15
1969 GMC
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Originally Posted by ryan68
Full Detroits(No-spins) will not allow the wheels to disengage around a turn, which is what I have. When I turn, you can see and hear the inside tire overspinning, there is no disengaging there. Now, Detroit soft lockers and detroit EZ-lockers will allow for disengaging. Mini-spools don't disengage, and neither does welded, as well a a no-spin detroit. All 3 will act the same on the street no matter what.
I'm sorry, but you are wrong. There is no such thing as a "full detroit". No-Spin is the commercial name for the detroit locker, which is the name of the product for the aftermarket. Detroit lockers unlock when coasting through corners. I have driven a few. My truck is going to get one. If yours doesnt unlock then it is either installed incorrectly or broken.

If that doesnt make sense, then think about the cost...detroits cost alot more than spools, and according to you they do the same exact thing. Companies are in business to make money...and if Tractech (makers of detroit locker) made a product which was basically a spool but cost a lot more, then they would go out of business.

As to the original comment: don't weld it. Just save the cash and do it properly. You think it would be cool if it misbehaves on the pavement, how cool would it be if it caused you to get into an accident?
1969 GMC K2500
1996 Honda Accord
2007 Kawasaki KLR 650

Last edited by 1969 GMC; 06-23-2004 at 08:35 PM.
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