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Old 05-02-2020, 01:55 PM   #14
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Re: Windshield quality

Originally Posted by Superduke View Post
I just had mine installed last Monday. I called on Friday and surprisingly they said they could do it Monday, ok come on out. I ordered clear they brought a green shaded one oh what the hell. So this happened while they were putting the seal around the glass.

I'm sure I probably would have done the same thing and would have been out the price of another windshield. Now to your point on quality they showed me my original one with the new broken one next to it and there was a noticeable difference in thickness, maybe not half as thick but probably 2/3rds anyway. They said they could get another one from a different supplier and come back the next day and finish the job.

Two guys putting on the seal this time.

Just about done clear glass this time around too.
That's exactly what I was wondering. I thought I had a thin one once but was unsure of my own memory. I definitely remember one with an 1/8" misalignment in the sheets.

Never seen one break while putting the rubber on the glass. But I can imagine it with thin glass. The last one I did, I first started with an LMC gasket but it was sloppy. Way too long. So I spent the money for a Steele Rubber gasket. It was crazy tight. Too tight to put on the glass. Trying to form it around the curve would likely broke it. I put it on the truck which was still a hand full.

I'm so over crap parts.
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