which tranny to go with?
I've got a 68 w/o a tranny or mtr i'm building.
I've got a brand new rebuilt 350 bored 60 over long block to set under the hood w/ edlebrock 1405 carb and preformer intake. I've got a 3 spd from a 67 to put in but i'm leaning away from.
I've got a good deal on a 4 spd out of a 72 4x4 (granny low 1st) i'm thinking about.
mind you i want to stay w/ a manual (just more fun), i'm thinking fuel econ here.
is a granny low 4spd better than a 3spd? if so what is the differance in gear ratios in the 4th gear over the 3rd in the 3spd?
You guys know alot more than i as i am 21 and have only had my hands in this like of hobby for just over 2 years - help me out.
sswj out
'01 Camaro
Son, you just can't get there from here...