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Old 05-04-2020, 03:27 PM   #24
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Re: Recommendations on Best Sport Mirrors

I bought the mirrors that Jrainman mentions...


and got them installed. I love the look and quality, but the passneger side needed to be modified to allow me to angle the mirror inward enough to see down the passenger side bed side. I like to set my PS mirror so that, in my natural driving postion, I can almost see my bed side. With a slight tilt of the head I can then see the bed side. The PS mirror would not allow for that positon and I had to use a Dremel tool with a cutoff wheel to grind the mirror ball post down ever so slightly to allow the head to be angled inward just a bit more. The drivers side did not need any mods.

I am 5"-8" and using the stock seat height...the drivers side mirror functions very well, but the lower 1/8" - 1/4" of passenger side mirror is blocked by the door window opening because it has to be mounted below the body line. It could be mounted higher than that body line, but that surface is curved inward and would need a different gasket to compensate for that.

All in all, I am very happy with the install. It just was not perfect. From what I understand, the repop sport mirrors have similar problems on the passenger side too.

Oddly enough one mirror came with two rubber inserts that would allow you to install the mirror without getting into the door cavity. These inserts would require a 3/8" hole to be drilled. The other mirror did not have these inserts nor the instructions for them. "Whatever" I thought, as I used fender washers and nuts inside the door cavity to secure the mirrors. I would not have used the rubber inserts even if they were shipped with them. They seemed kinda weak compared to a solid nut and screw fastener. Again, oddly enough, one mirror came with 24 tpi screws while the other came with 32 tpi, so I had to use different nuts per side.

Here are the pics...
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1972 C10
1976 C10 (parts truck)
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