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Old 06-24-2004, 10:13 AM   #29
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wow, thanks to everyone who read or responded here. It really means a lot to me knowing I have a support group

Every day that goes by I'm feeling a little better. I can actually take almost a whole breath without any pain. I over worked yesterday trying to strip off some carpet glued down to the outside balcany, and was wore out for the rest of the day.

What really sux is that I'm not allowed to go to work until after I have another CT scan and X-rays on July 1st. I just started this new job, and now I'm off work for 2 weeks...not a good impression.

Actually, I'm using some of this free time to look for a better job. The market for jobs up here is a little better than Memphis was, but still competitive. It never hurts to put your name in the mix of things

I again thank everyone for their message of concern. Maybe I can be the board example of what can happen if you wait too long to see a doctor
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