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Old 06-24-2004, 12:32 PM   #17
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Location: Seattle, WA, USA
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wrench ( P ) Pronunciation Key (rnch)
1. A sudden sharp, forcible twist or turn.
2. An injury produced by twisting or straining.
3. A sudden tug at one's emotions; a surge of compassion, sorrow, or anguish.

4. A break or parting that causes emotional distress.
5. The pain so associated: felt a wrench when he was parted from his children.
6. A distortion in the original form or meaning of something written or spoken; twisted interpretation.
7. Any of various hand or power tools, often having fixed or adjustable jaws, used for gripping, turning, or twisting objects such as nuts, bolts, or pipes.

In other words wrench != rachet. The word "wrench" applies to all hand tools for adjusting torque. The word "rachet" only applies to hand tools that adjust torque that actually rachet.
'69 3/4 ton C20 2wd-350ci/TH400
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Seattle, WA.
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