52 Chevrolet one ton
I bought this truck in 1978 from a high school teacher in my school I had seen it on the road and recognized the driver I went to his house hoping maybe he would sale I offered him $300 he said no he would have to have $400 I was so happy as I emptied my pocket I sold my 51 3/4 ton and really liked the 17 inch tires .
Early 80's I traded digging a hole for a septic tank by hand for the paint job .I changed the 216 for a 235 out of a 57 Chevrolet car that had burned in a shed the paint was still on the engine so I hoped it was still good $ 50 I ran it till the early 90's then had it rebuilt that engine is still in it now .
I drove it to work and hauled cars and horses I use it now to move what needs moved around the place and it hauls my welder .
Today it got a new 6 volt battery