the pics of the original poster has a few problems . . . . yes i know old thread someone dug up .
the first is the tapper size is smaller a lot more on the older rigs than the newer ones . easy to fix with the correct 1.5" per foot tapper reamer common for automotive use . yes it says 1ton size . but the tapper is the same its just how deep / big you make the hole to the size of the joint being used .
next is the angle his new S-shaped drag link is at is WAY to much . notice the ends are pointing way off . the drag link should have a slight down angle when the vehicle is on level ground and weight on it . his pic shows the threaded end at the box pointing up and the axle end down . this is NOT going to handle good at all . and even worse as the suspension flexes down .
hope this info helps and if any more questions just ask .