Thread: slammed 57
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Old 05-11-2020, 12:52 AM   #268
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Re: slammed 57

I find when I blast stuff there is a profile left behind that is basically like miniature craters if magnified. I usually have to sand the panels or when I prime the high spots are still exposed. A body supply guy told me about it. He said when he blasts he sands before paint because otherwise the high spots can start to rust. He said it would be like priming a sheet of sandpaper, the low get paint but the highs would still be exposed. Depends on the grit of blast material you use I suppose. Anybody else sanding after blasting but before initial primer? Makes sense I guess. If you go to wipe the panel down before priming and you leave parts of the rag behind like lintel it is because the panel isn't smooth.
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