Wiring harnesses for underdash, partial GMC Frt Headlight & Misc partial
All items do not include shipping cost
#1 Blazer/Jimmy Fuel sending unit wire 16’-8” (Not sure how much it has been shortened) $5
#2 Horn to Fire wall $3
#3 Engine Compartment fuse plug with some wires. $5 Sold
#4 This harness runs from the engine to the interior fuse block. Pulled this from a 72 402BB Suburban. $10
#5 Head light pig tails $7 Sold
#6 Your guess is as good as mine $3 Sold
#7 Underdash wiring harness. Pulled from a 72 suburban. Does not have a fuse block. I do not see any cut/spliced wires. Wires are in very good condition $35
#8 Underdash wiring harness. Pulled from a 72 blazer w/ AC. There has been some repairs to some wires. This harness is complete $40 Sold
#9 Front head light harness for GMC. Missing fuse block plug. There has been some repairs to some wires. $12 Sold
#10 Pair front GMC parking/turn signal pigtails. $10 Sold
#11 Alternator/ regulator harness. Pulled from a 70 blazer $7 Sold
#12 Alternator/ regulator harness. $3 Sold
#13 Another your guess is as good as mine. $3 Sold
Last edited by 1972 Jimmy; 01-19-2021 at 04:44 PM.