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Old 05-17-2020, 10:12 PM   #1
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Citri-strip painted grill shell

I read a handful of threads a while back about different methods of removing paint from an aluminum grill shell. Couldn't find a solid, definitive way to do it.

Over this weekend, I found a product called citri-strip at home depot.Supposed to be a more mild stripper, easy on the nose.

Anyway, I applied it to a fully painted(automotive paint) 1972 grill shell on the bottom.
I let it stay long enough to bubble the paint, 5 mins or so.
And used a harbor freight pressure washer.
It took about 90% of it off without scrubbing.
It doesnt appear to have hurt the finish at all.

I'm gonna do the entire shell in the next few days, and use 0000 steel wool on anything left.

Hopefully this will help somebody on a search I'm the future. It's working good for me.
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