Thread: 55.2-59 Heater Hose Ideas
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Old 05-18-2020, 10:04 AM   #21
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Re: Heater Hose Ideas

So today I was cruising the neighborhood and I watch my temp gauge just shot up to 200,210,220,230 so i pulled over quickly to see what the issue was and I notice my radiator was stone cold and my truck was idling for about 3 minutes before I took off to the store.
Did my stat get stuck?
When I pulled over and notice that nothings was flowing I cracked the radiator cap and I could hear air either bringing sucked in or getting released and my overflow tank started to get filled , once this happen the radiator got hot and I started the truck to circulate fluid?
Was there some sort of air pocket?
And where exact would I drill a hole , on the stat itself.
Just trying to understand what happened.
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