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Old 05-19-2020, 02:52 PM   #2
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Re: Power Steering for 1959 3200

the steering column is attached (pressed into) the steering box and the input shafgt that attaches the steering wheel to the steering gear is also a single long part. what most guys have done with then is to cut the column and shaft off fairly close to the steering box and then shorten the column and shaft so that the column is sticking out the engine side of the floor/firewall far enough for the 3 on the tree shifter (not required in your case with the 4 spd) to be bolted up as usual and then a bearing is pressed into the column to support the shaft. at that point the steering shaft is left longer so it protrudes past the column tube and ground flat on 2 sides to simulate a double D column shaft so an aftermarket steering u joint would be able to be used to connect the dots between the shaft and the new steering gear.
there are bolt on power steering gears and adjustable pitman arms that use the stock location so that the stock solid axle can be relied on to work without bump steer. you might want to look into whether or not they would work while retaining the stock park brake as the brake is a requirement to be road legal usually.

here is a quick read with pics from the hotrod netwrok where they do exactly what you are talking about doing with the exception of the 4 spd trans option. they replace the column in the end but explain how to do it with the stock column.

and a kit from a quick check online. there are others, this was the first one that came up for a price reference
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