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Old 05-19-2020, 05:38 PM   #4
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Re: Power Steering for 1959 3200

my dad bought a brand new '59 chevy apache short box pick up. 3 on the tree, inline 6, nothing special, white bumper on the front and no rear bumper, spare tire underneath. it was $2645 Canadian dollars back in the day. he traded his '53 Belair in and got a whole $943 dollars trade in allowance. wowzers. I can still remember driving it and sitting close because the family of 4 went everywhere in it when we were little kids. when he shifted he has a special twist of the wrist from 1st to second. always thought it was cool. he sold it just a couple of years before I was able to get my drivers lic, needed the thing out of his way. my uncle bought it, put a 283 in it and stripped a bunch of stuff off so he could go faster or something. it finally timed out and got parked in a farm yard somewhere nearby. the farm was sold and the truck was likely just sitting in the pasture rotting away. would be cool to find it again but there wouldn't be much left. your truck brings back the memories, it's the same color basically.
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