Thread: 55.2-59 need help with oil filter
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Old 05-27-2020, 11:43 AM   #9
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Re: need help with oil filter

if the filter is sitting that close to the header and you are dead set against a remote filter then you might think about some heat shielding for it. one reason we run deep oil pans and extra large filters is for oil capacity. we want oil capacity so there is physically more oil to deal with but also so the oil has a better chance of cooling off so it doesn't break down and lose it's lubricating qualities. it has to be warm enough to burn off moisture but not too hot or it breaks down. if installing a smaller filter for the clearance issue you should really install the heat shield for the break down issue. you could fab up something from an old underbody exhaust heat shield found on newer vehicles because they are sort of a sandwich aluminum sheet or you could fab up something tasteful. an air gap between the parts is key. possibly something that bolts on as a shield, catches some cooling air when you're driving, but then can be hinged down to catch and direct the oil as it drains from the filter when you change oil. changing oil should be done on a hot engine to suspend any particles etc so draining that onto a hot header is going to be nasty as well as getting you hand in there to get the filter off with those hot headers. changing oil should also probably be done more often with a smaller filter that has a tendency to get super hot. it's kind of like putting your oil filter next to a heater if you think about it. maybe an ok thing for somebody who only drives to the corner cafe every second saturday because the oil would heat up quicker possibly. not really great for a vehicle thats going to be driven for longer periods or more often.
with filters,. really look at how they are constructed. some are all cardboard inside with not great anti drain back valving and not many pleats in the filter medium. check the specs on the filter to find the micron rating etc. I have cut apart lots of filters in my day and there is a big difference in quality between the el cheapo deluxe ones and a good one. when cut apart and laid out with the pleated sections flat the better filters have a longer pleated section, so more filter media, and also some have metal end caps and good quality bleed back valving.
really a remote mount filter, if done well, looks as good as a filter stuffed into a small space and looks like the installation involved some careful consideration and reasoning. especially from a discerning eye looking at the hotrod. the lookie loo's probably don't know what they are looking at anyway so if it is aesthetics you're worried about you could easily make the remote filter look good and not make a big mess at oil change time. by the looks of the rest of the build it is top drawer so a nice remote filter wouldn't be a stretch. one thing to also consider is the spark plug wire proximity to the headers. you might consider different plug wire boots to get the wires clear of the heat zone as much as possible.again, some shielding may be in order if possible. heat is going to break down the wires faster and that will cause you reliability issues down the road. it would suck if that happened in a backwater town on a road trip and a new set is a day away.
are you able to post up some current pics of the set up? showing the filter etc?
your truck, do what you like. just some suggestions from past experiences of my own.
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