Thread: 55.2-59 need help with oil filter
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Old 05-27-2020, 02:37 PM   #12
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Re: need help with oil filter

So I'm 2 years into this project, any picture you have seen is just part of the mock-up, if you notice on the pictures the frame is still raw.
The plug wires were not loomed up yet, that's not going to be a problem at all.
I had a hot rod back in the 80's and a door slammer drag car in the 90's .
My fire wall is clear, brake booster and clutch master cyl, is under the cab.
I'm going for a clean Old School look 383 stroker with Holly carb.
The AcDelco filter would be 2" of air space from the header.
I probably could get the remote oil filter set up under the truck out of site or good enough. or a heat shield, It still would be a mess changing oil so maybe I need to go remote. Mo Money

So the motor is out of the truck on the bolt on leg stands--
and the headers wont bolt on right now because of the legs , so no pictures right now.
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