Thread: 55.2-59 need help with oil filter
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Old 05-28-2020, 08:57 AM   #14
burnin oil
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Re: need help with oil filter

Originally Posted by MD2020 View Post
Sorry, The filter I have looks like it's sitting on top of the header, It's not to big around it's too tall.

Thanks for that filter mr48, I could use it, And miiraclePieCo, That's good to know that you used it for years.
Thanks guy's
Sorry I misread what you were saying. I thought it was a clearance of a tube and not the whole header. Alot of the headers I have had issues with it was one tube and the smaller diameter filter would gain the clearance needed for removal and also provide enough air space to keep the oil reasonably cool. I am talking 5-10lb drop in a situation where heat soak would also be affecting the traditional starter.

Would a 90 degree oil filter adapter work? Something like this melling part MFA6570HS? Sorry my phone doesn't want to let me link it.
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