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Old 05-30-2020, 11:29 PM   #8
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Re: Should I go Holley?

Originally Posted by HO455 View Post
Trading one new carburetor for another one is not likely to solve the problems you mentioned. There are at least a half a dozen things that could be causing your been poor performance. Many of them won't cost anywhere near as much as a new carburetor. And you may have more than one thing out of adjustment.

What kind of ignition do you have?
What is your timing set at? initial? Total? How much mechanical advance does your distributor have? At what rpm is the mechanical advance all in? How much vacuum advance are you getting?
How was the cam installed straight up? Advanced?
Was your timing tab zeroed to top dead center when the engine was assembled?
Are your spark plug wires installed correctly?
How were the valves adjusted?
Any of these things could be wrong and limit performance and changing carburetors doesn't cause them to magically get corrected.

Have you looked down the carburetor bore while someone floors the gas (engine off) to verify that the secondaries are actually fully open?
Before changing carburetors you should hook up an Air/Fuel ratio meter to find out exactly what is happening.
Everything you have mentioned has been checked and is all where it needs to be. Yes I have looked down the bore of the carb with full throttle but they do not open like that. It is my understanding that the AVS secondaries open up with vacuum, not mechanical. That is why I was thinking of going to Holley double pumper mechanical. That way I know they are going to open. I have heard of other guys having the same issues and they went to the Holley set up.
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