can bet it will be a job changing the canvas. can you even buy it or need to go custom?
for your vent leak, if you go with a PMMA coating, guarantee you would never have an issue with your roof again.
i used Alsan RS, a 2 stage compound- page 33, post 809, 810, and 812.
they do make a single stage ready to use out of the can. it's not as good as RS, but better than just about any other roof coating on the market.
Alsan 500
little more re and re on the camper roof...
some new roofmate styro and after scraping it off. like the paneling, came off in little bits..

put tie connectors at every single joint, whole upper bunk feels more solid now
this is the angle with no factory framing....can see the 2x2 i fastened in there now