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Old 06-04-2020, 11:54 PM   #10
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Re: Accelerator Pedal

I've used that set up with and without factory ball studs. In the Caddy they mount on a metal bar with the ball studs attached. I simply removed the whole bar, studs and all (it just bolts to the floor) and put the whole deal in a '61 truck. My '66 has the ball studs already so I just popped it on. Presently however, I went back to stock for a more factory look. Edit: I think it worked best when I used the whole mounting bar from the Caddy so get it if you can. The reason I say that is because the Caddy pedal has a smooth plastic patch on the backside which rides on the linkage rod. When popping the pedal directly on the c10 ball studs the plastic patch is not quite centered on the linkage rod. It still works, but it sits a tad low. Using the bar from the Caddy elevates the pedal and centers the plastic patch over the linkage rod just as it is in the Caddy.

Last edited by AcampoDave; 06-05-2020 at 12:33 AM.
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