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Old 06-05-2020, 04:28 PM   #14
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Re: NP205 Trans Case Mount

Originally Posted by binford View Post
Chevy stopped using that mount as it was cracking the transmission bell housing on the automatics.

They came up with a rod that bolted into the holes on the side of the 205 and the other end bolted to the back of the block where the bell housing bolts too, to create a triangle to keep the 205 square to the back of the engine when under heavy load.

You need to hold the engine in two locations and the transmissinon and transfer case in a third position. A 3 legged chair always sits flat having the same pressure on each leg. Adding a mount to the side creates stresses that breaks stuff.

Do you have a pic of exactly where that bar bolts to at the engine block been wanting to do this for years but never had the proper info
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AS usual, off topic

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