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Old 06-05-2020, 11:41 PM   #26
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Re: Looked at this Suburban today

So——- Whatcha thinking Leon?

I know that it’d be sitting in my driveway if it were a thousand or so miles closer and available. But, I’ve rarely been accused of good judgment ��
Costs nearly twice what I paid for mine but it sure has a lot more. Mine was a plain Jane 307 and a bolt action 3 speed. No air or power accessories. It does have a chain to hold the hood shut though. Mine came from a rough part of Portland. Lotsa battery thieves in your area?
Good luck, I’m sure whatever you do will be the correct answer for you-
1951 GMC 250 Open Express Pickup
1968 Suburban C10
1971 C20 Olive
“People are shocked when they find out I’m not a good electrician”
Dad told me “Son, never strike a man in anger- unless you’re certain you can get away with it”
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