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Old 06-26-2004, 12:20 PM   #3
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Join Date: May 2004
Location: Lubbock, Texas
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the detroit locker wont ware out on you, its a little crazy when u first drive it but you will get used to it. it never wares out, only thing to remeber is to give yourself a little extra room when u stop incase the truck moves, i've had one in my truck and have yet to have any problems with it, i've never heard of any one who had a posi unit that if u gave it just the right amount of gas going around a corner would act like a spool. to me like everything else, there is a plus side and a down side, plus side with the detroit-never wears out, downside, the backlash. the posi, up side, works decent till the clutches wear out and doesn't have the backlash, downside, the clutches were out. on our 2002 gmc 2500HD with the 8.1 its carbon fiber disk in the posi are all ready going out. so me if u want something that u just put in and forget about, go with the detroit.
'96 Nissan Pathfinder
'02 Firebird Trans Am.
'88 K5 Blazer
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